Tuesday, April 5, 2016

WWW Wednesday 2

This meme/link-up is hosted by Taking on a World of Words

What are you currently reading?
I'm almost through with The Pedant's Return by Andrea Barham, and on the fifth Mediator book. I also started reading Be Frank With Me, which so far has been mostly cute and light with the occasional tug on my heartstrings. The closest comparison I can make right now is probably George and Sam, which was one of the best books I read last year.

What did you recently finish reading?
I recently finished reading The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes, which was sort of like a mash-up of Tracy Chevalier's Girl with a Pearl Earring and The Virgin Blue, but with more feels and uh, political tension, I guess. The prequel novella, Honeymoon in Paris, was shorter and sweeter.

I also read the Captive Prince trilogy by C.S. Pacat. The first book was really intense and kind of uncomfortable for me, but I think the second book showed deeper relationships and the game of chess the royals seemed to be playing was on a larger scale.

Just yesterday I read Cindy Gourlay's Tall Story, which I'd picked up because the blurb reminded me of the myth of Bernardo Carpio. The YA novel turned out to be built around that myth, and various other barrio superstitions. It was interesting to see Filipino YA in the regular shelves of the bookstore and not just on the Wattpad/magazine shelves.

What do you think you'll read next?
The Inheritance of Loss is due back in the library soon, so I should probably get reading. I also plan to read In the Country: Stories by Mia Alvar.


  1. I'm going to be reading 'Virgin Blue' soon for my book club. Did you like that one? Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!

    1. Hi! I liked The Virgin Blue but it made me really tense and anxious for about a week when I got near the ending... Hope you like it! :)


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Maira Gall