Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Top Ten Bookworm Delights (Top Ten Tuesday #2)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish.

1. When you find books from your TBR in the sale pile, marked down to P20 ($ 0.42) each:
It's the sign you've been waiting for, the sign that makes all the digging around worth it.

2. Or better yet, when you find those books in your university library:
In the most random colleges: graphic novels in the Philosophy section, fiction in the Asian Center, chick lit in the College of Education. All for free!

3. When you flip through your yellowed book pages and they smell like vanilla:
That's vanillin, and the other compounds are less-innocuous sounding: toluene, 2-ethyl hexanol, ethyl benzene, benzaldehyde, and furfural. (Whew, that was like an organic chemistry pop quiz.)

4. When your secondhand books have marginalia or surprises from former owners:
But the nice kind of surprises, like old-fashioned bookmarks, or a grade-schooler's vocabulary words. Sometimes even a dedication from a loved one.

5. When your books have surprises from yourself:
Is this something that only happens to forgetful people? I've found receipts from fro-yo dates years ago, notes from sweet roommates, and even the occasional banknote.

6. Finding out a friend likes the same book as you:
It'll bring you closer, and in the case of an already close friend, it's the best validation of your compatibility, haha.

7. When people ask you for reading recommendations:
The most random incident (and the toughest!) was in a book sale in a parking lot: my friend and I were comparing favorite titles, and a guy came up to ask for help picking out a book for his girlfriend.

8. Reading a book to a young child:
My sisters and my cousins used to love being read to when they were smaller. That was a lot of cuddle time and giggling and sharing childhood favorites with new people.

9. When you finish a book you've been "currently reading" for years:
There's a special sense of relief there, a sense of closure. And in the end you either have a surprise favorite or a new space on your bookshelf.

10. When you crack open a book and instantly know that you'll enjoy reading it:
Not necessarily that it'll be a favorite, but that it will be a breeze to read because the plot, the characters, and the writing all hit the sweet spot.


  1. From time to time I discover a book mark in a book I thought I had lost, or bank notes yeah, haha.

  2. I wish I could find a book for .42!!!! I'd probably start dancing in the store! ;) Great Top Ten!
    My TTT.

  3. Good list! I enjoy many of the same things you do too!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2016/04/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-bookworm.html

    Happy reading!!

  4. Great list. I once found some pictures of Tom Cruise between the pages of a book I got from a used bookstore. I guess the book’s former owner really liked him.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!


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Maira Gall