Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Ten Books I Would Buy Right Now (Top Ten Tuesday #8)

Via The Broke and Bookish 
August 2: Ten Books You'd Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card

For this TTT I used BookDepository links to make this a sort of wishlist masterpost, should I ever be lucky enough to have someone ask. 

1. The entire Anne of Green Gables series: This Puffin in Bloom hardback and a complete set in this paperback edition, please.

Anne of Green GablesAnne of Green Gables

2. The entire Little Women series: I already have the Puffin in Bloom edition but I'd want the full set, maybe in this Puffin Classics edition
Little WomenGood WivesLittle Men Jo's Boys

3. The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet by Reif Larsen: I haven't even seen the movie adaptation because I want to read this first. It's about a 12-year-old genius cartographer who goes off on a solo adventure and that's as far as I read the summary before I was sold.
The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet

4. A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman: We had to read selections of this for English 1 and it was the strangest, freshest new thing I'd ever read back then. I've only ever seen one copy of this for sale, and I regret letting that go. I think it was this edition. 
A Natural History of the Senses

5. To Be or Not To Be: A Chooseable-Path Adventure by Ryan North: This is a choose-your-own-adventure version of Hamlet. There's also Romeo And/Or Juliet. 
To Be or Not To BeRomeo And/Or Juliet

6. Anything Maira Kalman has ever written and/or illustrated: I've already read The Principles of Uncertainty as well as Why We Broke Up, but I'd love to have her other collaborations with Daniel Handler, Girls Standing on Lawns, Hurry Up and Wait, or Weather, Weather. Other books I'd want: My Favorite Things, Microscripts by Robert Waiser, or Maira Kalman by Ingrid Schaffner and Kenneth E. Silver
Girls Standing on LawnsHurry Up and WaitWeather, Weather

My Favorite ThingsMicroscriptsMaira Kalman

7. Snowpiercer by Jacques Lob: I was so shaken by the film that I immediately banished all traces of it from my computer, but it's still one of my favorite movies of all time. I'd love to read the graphic novel that inspired it

Snowpiercer: Escape v. 1

8. Plotted: A Literary Atlas by Andrew DeGraff and Daniel G. Harmon: I mean, obviously if you have a gift card you'd go for as many illustrated volumes as possible, right? This has imaginary landscapes of literature. 
Plotted: A Literary Atlas

9. Lab Girl by Hope Jahren: This blurb I got from Book Depository says it all: "[Lab Girl] does for botany what Oliver Sacks's essays did for neurology." - Michiko Kakutani, New York Times. (Though I've only ever managed to get my hands on a water-stained copy of The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat.)
Lab Girl

10. Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E.K. Johnston: I read a great review of this somewhere and promptly lost the link. Good job, self. 
Exit, Pursued by a Bear


  1. Aw I love Anne of Green Gables. Also, I read A Thousand Nights by EK Johnson and enjoyed it so Exit, Pursued by a Bear is on my TBR list too. Nice list.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  2. You have some really adorable looking covers in your selections. Way to go. Thanks for visiting my blog, too.

  3. I love the editions and covers you shared for Anne and Little Women! Also that choose your own adventure looks intriguing. And, I must say you have great taste. I'm glad I stopped by. I'll try to do it more often! Jess @ Bird, Books, and Coffee

  4. Wonderful list!! Hope you receive the books you want soon. Happy reading!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2016/08/top-ten-tuesday-ten-books-id-buy-right.html

  5. You may be my book twin. I'm crazy for Maira Kalman and I thought Lab Girl was a fascinating read.

  6. ooo that Little Women set is so pretty!! I have an Anne of Green Gables set listed on my TTT this week too - My TTT


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