Wednesday, July 20, 2016

WWW Wednesday 11

This meme/link-up is hosted by Taking on a World of Words

What are you currently reading?
I am currently rereading Wind, Sand, and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It's one of my favorites. Also finally cracked the cover of The Passion of Mademoiselle S., which I won in a Goodreads giveaway several months ago. It's a compilation of letters from a woman named Simone to her lover Charles over the course of their "perverse" affair. I've read three letters so far, and she has used that word several times already. 

What did you recently finish reading?
I recently finished reading Night Flight by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He has the most beautifully descriptive way of writing that comes across even in translation. The dark night often got compared to the sea, both in the potential hiding beneath it, and in what it has already swept away. So, so lovely. I also finished Sixty-Six by Russell Molina. Mang Tino, an elderly man of 66 years, suddenly gains super strength and uses it to "clean up the neighborhood." The action scenes are interspersed with him caring for his ailing wife Aura (I think she has Alzheimer's) and with the letters she wrote to him when they were younger and he worked overseas. I think it's the first book of a series. I really loved the illustration style of this graphic novel. I also finished the e-book of The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski. It's the sequel to the Winner's Curse, and has much higher stakes and ~palace intrigue~ involved. Just now I finished the last book in the series, The Winner's Kiss. It was a satisfying ending but I still want epilogues and peeks at the progress every five years and maybe a TV miniseries or a movie adaptation. Does anyone else get that way about good series?
What do you think you'll read next?
Banana Heart Summer still hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. My long-distance book club will start book # 3, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, after we finally discuss This Side of Paradise.


  1. lol so what do you think about the Passion of Mademoiselle so far despite the overuse of perverse. The synopsis sounds good, I hope the book is also interesting.Night Flight does sound good.Happy reading.

    Here is my WWW:

  2. I'm curious about all of these, especially The Passion of Mademoiselle S. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing, and here's MY WWW POST

  3. I'm glad you're liking the 'Winners' series. I feel that way about good books as well. Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!

  4. Sounds like a facetious use of "perverse"...and odd. Sixty Six sounds like quite an interesting read. You finished so many books this past week! Hopefully you won't get backed up on reviews like I did. :/


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Maira Gall